Another Crash? It Won’t Be Because of Lenders

The 2008 market crash brought the global economy to its knees and reshaped many aspects of the financial world. One significant area that experienced profound change was mortgage lending. The lessons learned from the crisis prompted substantial reforms and shifts in how mortgages are offered and regulated. Let’s review the key ways in which mortgageContinueContinue reading “Another Crash? It Won’t Be Because of Lenders”

Selling Your Home Without a Realtor: Good Idea or Asking for Trouble?

Selling a home is a significant financial transaction, and many homeowners consider the option of selling without a realtor to save on commission fees. While this can seem like a cost-effective approach, it’s crucial to understand that the decision to go the DIY route comes with its own set of costs, especially in terms ofContinueContinue reading “Selling Your Home Without a Realtor: Good Idea or Asking for Trouble?”

Why Your Mindset Trumps the Market Right Now

We live in a microwave society of instant gratification.  We want overnight shipping, instant downloads, and immediate results no matter what the situation is.  That is just not realistic when it comes to real estate.  I always tell buyers that we are playing a long game, this is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.  WeContinueContinue reading “Why Your Mindset Trumps the Market Right Now”


In the competitive world of real estate, agents often find themselves vying for clients and trying to stand out in a crowded market. While ambition and determination are crucial in this profession, there is a fine line between healthy competition and undermining others. Unfortunately, some realtors resort to speaking negatively about their peers to gainContinueContinue reading “TALK SMACK ON REALTORS AT YOUR OWN PERIL”